LOGISTIC SERVICE, an Italian company specialized in national and international logistics and warehousing.

Logistics and transport Parma

Logistics for businesses


We at Logistic Service deal with logistics and transport in Parma.
Our services are designed and offered to respond promptly to the business needs of our customers.
We are, in fact, available to assist you in optimizing the times and costs of organizing and managing production activities.

Integrated logistics means dealing with all phases: from purchases to distribution, through production, to optimization through the coordination of resources, functions and infrastructures.
The competitiveness of companies, in the production logic of modern economic processes, is increasingly focused on the efficiency and rationalization of processes. Relying on a highly professional supply chain that forms a system with production means, in fact, making the best use of the resources available, creating additional added value for the customer.

What we offer

Logistic Service offers its customers innovative and rational and winning integrated logistics solutions and ideas

From storage to delivery

We of the Logistic Service, through the implementation of precise and quality operating standards, are able to follow the entire warehouse management process. Thanks to our professionalism, we are able to deal with any warehouse needs and emergencies.

We operate by following the steps of:

  • Deposit and storage (also in fridge cells)
  • Preparation and fulfillment of orders
  • Deliveries and transport

In addition, our services are implemented according to operational processes established by specific internal regulations and consist of:

  • Specialized IT systems, to ensure product traceability
  • Direct connections with the IT system for checks and controls on the status of orders and inventories
  • Versatility and specialization for every type of customer need
  • Consultancy for micro logistics projects
Logistic Service @ 2019 Tutti i diritti riservati - P.IVA 02150510341